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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. The task at hand is to get the Facebook "Like" button on the main template - perhaps Blueprint. Do you have access to a programmer's text editor? Your hosting account control panel may have one.
  2. There are third-party skins - like Blueprint. We can offer instruction on how one makes edits.
  3. It is not necessary to disable the Fusion plugin. There should be nothing unexpected, but the Foundation skin (as has been explained by CubeCart) was meant as a completely workable, yet not very 'splashy' responsive skin. Which is to say, some things won't look quite as "polished" as one would want - so go forth and customize, customize, and customize some more.
  4. The Foundation skin does not specify a specific font size. As such, the web browser will fall back to the font size specified in the browser's Options settings for Default Font. Then Foundation will set the <body> tag to have a CSS of font-size: 100%. Everything else is based off of that as being expressed as a factor of the base font size. Of course, in the product's Description, you can apply a fixed font size, as I see you have done. If you want the whole page to start at 12px, with other font sizes being a factor of that, and force all your visitors to see that regardless of how they have configured their browser, then: In the skin style file cubecart.default.css, add this rule: html, body {font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.2;}
  5. Sure, the templates are coded to show these buttons on Product and Document pages. They show up with the template code: {if $SHARE} {foreach from=$SHARE item=html} {$html} {/foreach} {/if} with the appropriate div container layouts and styling for the respective skin. CubeCart assigns these buttons to the template variable $SHARE when building either a product or document page*, after which, CubeCart builds the side boxes and main structure. Thus, you can put this code anywhere in the template main.php or a box.whatever.php. * Not any other page, such as a Category page, or Login, or Search page.
  6. By "trigger", I mean a link or button that triggers some kind of javascript that sends info to wherever at Facebook. You said you had a "Like" button on product pages. I see you are using Blueprint. On the product page, I see a Share link referencing AddThis. Do you have the Facebook social extension? https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/social-plugins/facebook-comments-like-buttons
  7. I am looking at one of the product pages, and not seeing a "like" trigger link. I am temporarily allowing Facebook and AddThis to run javascript, but I also have an ad-blocker switched on. Maybe that's why.
  8. I see this as a non-variable, that is, the size expressions do not make for a different shoe. I would try to express the shoe sizes as a series of values joined by slashes: 9.5/13/22, with a blurb in the product description explaining what these numbers mean.
  9. In the Foundation skin, there is already a space for them in the footer area. They show up when the web address to your accounts are entered in admin, Store Settings, General tab. The HTML of the skin can be modified to put those links somewhere else. But these are links to your social media accounts, not "triggers" that actually do anything - "like", for example. If you have these kinds of "triggers" already on the View Product page, I would say it is easy enough to put them on a different template. Please remind us of a web address where we can see what you currently have.
  10. There is a plugin that adds Options choosers to the View Category listings. It should be easy enough to program the skin to determine if the product has options (required or not), to say "More Info" on the button.
  11. (I think) Depending on the skin, there is a javascript powered enforcement of entering data and choosing that which is required. As you describe, this is likely the case. As such, the page was not POSTed. That brings up the question, if the page was not POSTed, how did the Coupon Code text entry box get emptied? (I will experiment.) Many versions back, choosing the payment gateway was a separate screen. Many store owners wanted fewer checkout screens. However, the layout can be improved so that having the payment gateway chooser be well within view -- "above the fold" as it were. (I will also play with that.)
  12. For some of the images, CubeCart says there aren't any images associated with the product (No Image Available image). Others have an empty src="" attribute for the <img> tag. We would ask that you create the error_log. Maybe there are clues to be found.
  13. Short answers: "Yes" and "I don't think we found it yet." If there has been a fix, I don't recall what it was. But I will look at the Github for these issues and see what has been done about it.
  14. We ask that you download CC3.0.21 and replace only the files index.php and /admin/index.php. There may be one other file, functions.inc.php, that could be replaced.
  15. Welcome MarkBlank! Glad to see you made it to the forums. 1. It is the responsibility of the payment gateway module to move an order to Processing on a successful transaction (or to forceably move it to Pending if failed). The module is also responsible to log its actions in the transaction log. The module calls a routine in CubeCart's core code to make the move, and this code is responsible for emailing the customer, emailing the admin, adjusting stock levels, creating links to downloadable digital products, and updating the database table CubeCart_order_summary - the 'status' column is the code for the various states an order can have. 2. The module would force the order to Pending. In /modules/gateway/Authorize/gateway.class.php, we see that Authorize returns a response code. The module interprets that response code into a phrase, and this phrase is logged. It is shown in the Transaction Logs 'Status' column. 3. All order transactions are logged in CubeCart_transactions. 4. The table CubeCart_transactions is populated with data received by the payment gateway module when the payment processor makes an Instant Payment Notification (IPN). 5. Authorize.net should also email you when a transaction has happened - whether approved or otherwise. (This has generally been 98% reliable, give or take.) In CubeCart, there is a choice to have an email sent to the main admin and any sub-admins when an order goes to Pending or Processing (not both, and no other status). Also, in CubeCart's admin, Dashboard (the initial screen shown to you), Unsettled Orders tab, shows a list of all Pending and Processing orders. 6. The Authorize.net module sends the Cart Order Number as 'x_invoice_num' and as 'x_description'. (It's been awhile since I looked at my Merchant Account screens at Authorize.net, but I recall seeing the cart_order_id on the transaction details page. But probably not on any summary listing. The email Authorize.net sends, the "Merchant Email Receipt" has all desired data.
  16. Is it important that the customer know that you know what the serial number of the exact product shipped is? That is, when editing the order to move to Complete, the admin can enter free-form text into the boxes seen on the Notes tab.
  17. Welcome Gord! Glad to see you made it to the forums. I think I understand what you want, but we need to get more specific. Exactly what is happening before and after this event is to take place - where in the complete timeline of any given order? For example, "the order is being completed" can mean either: * the customer is finalizing the transaction and will soon have access to a printable receipt, or * the admin is moving the order to the Complete status Do you already have a database table with serial numbers associated with a given product_id? Will they be 'consumed' when inventory is sold/shipped? Or will serial numbers be dynamically generated as inventory is sold/shipped and they need to be logged somewhere?
  18. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1854
  19. The issue in the Github has been updated. We found the code causing the problems.
  20. Yes. I reported my findings to CubeCart. The problem is related to a few other situations. In those situations, the code has been beefed up. But the underlying problem was not attended to - maybe because it was feared that that fix would break a lot of other things. Send me a PM with the code of the coupon that came up. And you say that '23' is the trigger? I am being intentionally circumspect because I have not yet proven that this situation is benign.
  21. Turning the cache off, then having the page render, should have shown the new code. Where you see the image, have your browser show you the HTML source. (Each browser has their way of doing this.) Determine if the <img> tag attributes have changed. You can manually dump the cache -- admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache. This will force the template rendering engine to start all over with using the templates afresh. Put your desired image in the folder, then in the template, edit the <img> tag 'src' attribute to name that image specifically. If any screen real estate restrictions are placed on the image, it is a result of the overall template (not any templates in the module).
  22. In the PayPal Pro module file /hooks/class.cubecart.display_gateways.php, there is code that identifies which image to show for which Pro mode is being used.
  23. Do you know exactly what was entered? I am trying various illegal sequences of characters and not able to replicate. If you wish, send a PM with the exact code of the coupon that CubeCart eventually awarded to the order.
  24. This may explain what may be happening: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29786254/jquery-causes-keyboard-to-appear-disappear-on-android This explanation suggests that when the keyboard slides into view, the responsive page somehow informs the web browser that the viewport has changed. This then causes the responsiveness to re-arrange the page layout. In so doing, the browser dismisses the keyboard.
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