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  1. Hi, I am trying to add additional fields to the contact form. I can get them to show up in the contact form, but when it is sent I the email does not include the fields I just added. Here is an example of what I have done. Any ideas how I can receive the information in the email? Thanks in advance. /classes/cubecart.class.php Line 1431 in the private function _contact() { $mailer->addReplyTo($_POST['contact']['email'], strip_tags($_POST['contact']['name'])); $mailer->Subject = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($_POST['contact']['subject']),ENT_QUOTES); $mailer->Body = sprintf($GLOBALS['language']->contact['email_content'], $_POST['contact']['name'], $_POST['contact']['email'], $department, html_entity_decode(strip_tags($_POST['contact']['enquiry']),ENT_QUOTES)); $mailer->Shiptoname = strip_tags($_POST['contact']['shipto_name']); $mailer->shiptoaddress1 = $_POST['contact']['shipto_address1']; $mailer->shiptoaddress2 = $_POST['contact']['shipto_address2']; $mailer->shipto_town = $_POST['contact']['shipto_town']; $mailer->shipto_state = $_POST['contact']['shipto_state']; $mailer->shipto_country = $_POST['contact']['shipto_country']; $mailer->shipto_postalcode = $_POST['contact']['shipto_postalcode']; $mailer->shipto_other = $_POST['contact']['shipto_other']; foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('class.cubecart.contact.mailer') as $hook) include $hook; // Send Added this to the language/en-US.xml ( I put all my edits in this file – put all from the above /classes/cubecart.class.php ) <group name="email_en"> <string name="email_macro_shipto_address1"><![CDATA[The first ship to address of the customer asking for an international shipping quote.]]></string> <string name="shipto_address1"><![CDATA[Ship to Address1]]></string> </group> modified the skin/content.contact.php by adding the following - put all from the above /classes/cubecart.class.php <p>{$LANG.common_en.intl_ship} </p> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <div class="row"> <div class="large-3 columns"><label for="shipto_address1" class="t5 bold right inline show-for-medium-up">{$LANG.email_en.shipto_address1}</label></div> <div class="small-12 large-8 left columns"> <input type="text" name="contact[shipto_address1]" id="shipto_address1" value="{$MESSAGE.shipto_address1}"placeholder="Shipping Address 1"></div> </div></div> </div>
  2. I had never created an ecommerce site before, so this was an interesting journey. I looked at a few carts before choosing cubecart. The site is https://www.thetileco-online.co.uk/ I took a copy of the foundation skin and modified it a bit. Thanks to all who have contributed to the great info on this forum for showing me how to do the vast majority of the mods that I wanted to do. Any constructive criticism is appreciated. Kenneth
  3. We launched a new version of the successful Galaxy skin. It is available in the Marketplace for purchase. Check out the demo here. Hope to hear your feedback!
  4. I have USPS and UPS setup for shipping companies. Some are Air services. I am now adding some products that can only be shipped by UPS Ground. Is there any way to set it up so if any of these products are in the shopping cart, it won't allow USPS or UPS Air shipping options? Thanks for the advice!
  5. Hi, How can I make the mini basket that pops up closable with an X rather than just fade away? Remove the arrow but keep the location the same. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi I am a new user of cubecart running it on my local host for testing and edit. I am making a skin for the default cubecart skin. I know how to code in html and css. I have come across a problem. When ever I click the "add to basket" button it dont add the item to the basket instead what it does is it pastes a smaller size of the same page above the original page. This is only happening in google chrome. when i tested it in firefox everything worked fine. At first i thought it may have been caused by the css I added in so I disabled the css and retested but got the same results. I have not changed any of the original code on the cubecart main.php i have only just added to it. the screenshots below show the edit i have made. http://prntscr.com/fhh61f http://prntscr.com/fhh68h below is what happens after clicking add to basket http://prntscr.com/fhh6ts http://prntscr.com/fhh7jc i zoomed out on the browser to capture it all on one page but im sure you understand what i mean. I have also attached mu main.php file that i have been editing if someone wants to take a look. Only thing i did to the original code was add a margin of 10em to the top. which i removed and still get same results. main.php and on the console.log on chrome i get the following warning only after clicking the add to basket once the script runs: http://prntscr.com/fhhb8z
  7. Hello! Today I found that customers don't receive any emails about their orders, I also don't receive any confirmations about new orders. I don't have any clue where this issue can be. 1) During making a test order I didn't receive any errors on a front-end side. 2) 'E-mail' log doesn't show that any e-mails were send. (!!!) 3) 'Error log' is clear for ''admin" and "system" tabs 4) Test e-mail from "Store settings/Advanced" are sent and came to me without any issues. Last changes which I made before this issue happen: - #1630 was deployed - 'Sender's Email Address' was changed in "Store settings/Advanced". I replace modified order.class.php by original version from 6.1.5 pack, clear cache at the back-end. It doesn't help. Additons: When I change status to "Processing" - nothing happen. If after that I change a status back to "Pending" then "New order" e-mail goes to an admin, but "Order confirmation" e-mail isn't send to a customer.
  8. I would like to remove the Featured Product and the Best Sellers from showing up on the cart. While doing that, I would like to preserve the spaces so in the future i have the ability put messages or whatever in those boxes/spaces. I'm guessing i would need to create two boxes that would be blank (for now) and replace the boxes in the template. Is this correct? If so, where do I find them, and what do I need to change code wise? I'm using CC6 and Foundation skin Thank you in advance for your assistance.
  9. Hi, Still a rookie with CC, so forgive me if this is posted elsewhere, I searched and couldn't find anything pertaining to it. If there is a post regarding this, please link it to let me know. I am using CC6.1.7 with the PayPal Standard Gateway v1.0.5 (I am also thinking of adding the PayPal Express Checkout option) On the Checkout page it gives you the "Choose Payment Method" text. Currently though there is nothing to choose, and to me this might cause a sense of confusion for the customer. With this being the only option offered there is nothing to choose. Is there a way to eliminate this and add the PayPal Credit Card logo somewhere in lieu of this text? Are their any recommendations on this? Maybe the attached image or does someone here have any recommendations. I think I saw somewhere where you can choose a graphic in the admin area, but if this is so, I can not find it anywhere. Thanks in Advance, Matthew
  10. I placed a test order in my store today and did not pay for it. When logged in as the test customer I went to order history and was shown the options: complete payment – cancel order – view details. I had removed reorder as I sell mostly one off items. Anyway, I clicked cancel order and got the red error message – The following errors were detected: Your order has been cancelled. Is there anyway to remove the first line, The following errors were detected:, as this is really not an error. Customer chose to cancel the order. Also can a popup, or something, be added saying something like are you sure you want to cancel this order before it is actually cancelled. Give the customer a little extra thought time before cancelling the order. Thanks for any and all help
  11. Is the currency fetch rates still a manual process or am I missing something?
  12. I recently upgraded from version 4 to 6 (very latest version). Using the stock template and everything went well with the upgrade. However when you create an account, it doesnt say anything about confirming.It just redirects to the registration page. What is going on? Click register Fill in info No confirmation email (The details are correct for sending mail from the server) Check the admin, yes the details are registered (http://d.pr/i/M4mhB) Try to login as the customer, nothing happens Any ideas?
  13. Hello! I would really appreciate if somebody explains me how to show 'featured' products on the main page instead of 'latest' products. Thank you
  14. Hi, I need to change the light salmon colour of the symbol (kind of square shape) in the order admin overview tab and in the dashboard to alert admin that a note has been added by the customer or a coupon code was used. At the moment it is so light in colour, it is barely visible. I had a quick search in css but going nowhere. Would anyone know which file I need to amend please ? Many thanks S.
  15. Hi I noticed that the sitemap is including absolutely every single page including all products, categories, etc that have been unticked under "visible" and "status". I do not understand why pages marked to be no visible or no status unticked can appear in the sitemap. As result, search engines are crawled them all when they should not. This has to be a bug surely ? S.
  16. I am using a VERY modified custom Foundation skin. When I upgraded to 6.1.7 I noticed that the product page was really different, with additional templates, etc. BSmither had given me some code to make my gallery photos go horizonally across the page which I want to keep. Therefore, I just copied the skin/content.products.php from the 6.1.5 and pasted it into my 6.1.7 upgrade. All other files in the skin are from the 6.17 upgrade. Everything worked fine. Today I decided to go ahead and modify the additional files: element.product.horizontal_gallery and element.product.call_to_action before I upgraded to 6.1.8. Everything is working as it should except on small displays the main image does not show until your refresh the page. I don't think customers would know to refresh the screen. Any thoughts and help is greatly appreciated. Here's a link if someone wants to look at the page source - https://www.claudiasbargains.com/itt-brown-vintage-rotary-dial-desk-telephone.html Claudia
  17. Hi, Just noticed that in admin, under the Statistics >Search Terms, visitors' search phrases are not shown. Instead, phrases are dismantled into individual words so pretty useless in this form. For example "white tee shirt" is shown as "white", "tee" and "shirt". So how can I change it to ensure the search terms are showing the actual search phrases please ? Thanks S.
  18. Hi Guys Found this issue with my site www.extremeracing.co.uk using clear skin, started a sale and now there is a duplicate category been added with different content, take sale mode off and it disappears Have another site using clear skin with no issues?
  19. Hi, I want to add some custom text to the [host]/shop/index.php?_a=gateway page - see attached for page, and where I want to insert the text. Which file(s) do I need to edit to do this? I've had a search in the forums and a look in the cPanel files but can't find anything. Cheers.
  20. I have not upgraded my current store to the latest version of 6.1.7 yet because I had a lot of CSRF errors even though the site is not currently on an SSL url. I now have access to upgrade to SSL for the site. My question is whether or not there is anything I should be aware of before enabling SSL on my site? Will this cause any issues in my store that I need to be aware of? I am not sure I can undo my SSL upgrade once it is done. However, I do not want to be without the latest and greatest cubecart versions! Any advice will be helpful!
  21. Hi Creating a newsletter via admin at the moment. What I would like to understand is where is the content of that newsletter, once created (not referring to email template), is stored ? ie what's the URL for it ? I noticed that when you click on unsubscribe, the page that opens contains the heading: "Newsletters There are no archived newsletters right now." So I am guessing that is where they will show ? Also, I would like to add a message on my newsletter like "Email or pictures not displaying correctly? Please click here to view it as a web page.", also the reason why I am asking. Many thanks S.
  22. Hi, Where can I change the wording "secure checkout" on checkout button in the checkout page. Thanks in advance, Claudia
  23. Hi, just noticed that when trying to add a manufacture via admin panel, you get error: /admin_xxxxxx/sources/products/manufacturerstab_manufacturers.inc.php - not found. There's no products folder in sources directory and therefore it can't find the php call file. I tried checking earlier version and no such file or directory found in the directory tree. I wonder if it's just a wrong directory call bug? Eddie
  24. Running the latest version of Cubecart with the Foundation skin.If I add items to my basket, then from the mini-basket select to View the basket or Checkout, I get a http500 error.Any clues on where to start looking ?Site is: https://www.dengu.co.za/Thanks
  25. Hi, I just added a tooltip for my PayPal button on the checkout page. Works as I want, but, I changed the background color of the tooltip box from stock but the little arrow on the top left of the box is still dark - not the same changed color. How do I get the arrow to match the tooltip box? Thanks in advance for all help, Claudia
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