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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. Look in main.php for {include file='templates/box.newsletter.php'} and {include file='templates/box.popular.php'}
  2. Never develop anything on a localhost (although several people do) but probably something to do with url ReWrite not working ?
  3. GDPR is about SO much more than this ! (This is by no means a complete list and is not given with any warranty of legal correctness) 1) Anyone, anywhere in the world, processing personal data for any individual based in the EU needs to comply with GDPR. In theory, this covers pretty much any website anywhere in the world but unless you are based within the EU or are a larger company, there are questions over how it will be enforced but if information is disclosed illegally, for example via a hack, and you arent complying or even attempting to comply with the provisions, then the fines are likely to be much higher. 2) Each Processor has to decide under what legal basis (https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/lawful-basis-for-processing/) they are collecting and using the data. This basis cannot easily be changed and dramatically affects what information needs to be given to users providing their personal data and also what rights they have concerning that data. ie information collected for analytics purposes is different to information for email marketing which is different to information required to execute a contract (ie a sale) and they will have a different legal basis and attached user rights. This affects data retention for example. 3) You also need to specify and comply with restrictions about disclosing personal information to any third parties (this includes for analytics purposes, accounting and even payment processors !) and also be able to categorically state what information is held on any individual (by that individual and the provision of that information can be charged for) and importantly exactly where that information is stored. Storing personal information on Europeans outside of Europe adds many complications (so people using hosting companies outside of Europe) and also if you use cloud services that also makes it more complicated - many cloud companies still cannot categorically state that data will be stored in a certain location 100% of the time. The functionality of applications such as CubeCart may need to be enhanced in order to help users comply with some of the GDPR provisions such as access to information and the right to be forgotten - however, these rights are dependent on what legal basis the information is stored. CubeCart already has a tick box (so that informed consent can be given for the collection of the data - this fact does need to be stored against the customer record) for agreeing to Terms and Conditions and if that and the associated Privacy Policy Document are written correctly, then many areas are covered (that is obviously a BIG if though !). New functionality in core CubeCart to be able to search for information based on an entered email address or a person's name and then print out a nicely formatted report showing what information is held which could then be sent to an enquirer, would be very useful as this is a legal requirement. I also believe that a double opt-in system when signing up for a newsletter (https://features.cubecart.com/topic/add-newsletter-signup-email-verification) is now required for GDPR in addition to it being a legal requirement in most locations already anyway. Plus, as I have just added to the "Feature" request, I believe that this should also be a requirement before an account is created.
  4. https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/product-image-rollover this plugin has that feature as an extra to the “main” functionality which is adding image rollover (auto-switching between two designated images when the mouse hovers over the image). Much more control over the order of the images AND no code edits to core CubeCart Ian
  5. 1) If you haven’t already, install a shipping module - All in One Shipping covers most scenarios for most people. 2) Configure Shipping module to cover all possible orders whether this s based on weight, total order value etc and ensure geographical regions where you will be taking orders from are covered Ian
  6. The benefits of our Enhanced Manufacturers Plugin is available here https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/enhanced-manufacturers and as with all our plugins, you can try it free for 7 days Ian
  7. Depends what type of payments you are looking to accept. Stripe is fantastic and in my opinion much better and cheaper than PayPal, and great for credit / debit card payments from anywhere. If you are looking to offer facility for bank transfers, then sign up for Transferwise (https://transferwise.com/u/ianb20) and open a business account which is called a Borderless account. That way you can (currently) have a GBP bank account, a USD bank account, a Euro bank account and even now an Australian bank account. Each of these are "normal" bank accounts and people in those countries (for the Euro account, then anyone within the SEPA group of countries in Europe) can money in from their local account. No bank charges and you can transfer the money between accounts (at mid-market rates not a stupid bank rates) and then withdraw to a local account. We accept money in EUR and GBP and can also in USD and withdraw it. You can also make supplier payments or transfers to any other account in the same region. Fantastic, no normal business banking charges and great rates. As Transferwise is a manual bank transfer process which you would need to use the Print Order Form with, there is no connection to products in your store. If you want card payments for adult stores then ccBill is setup for that and we wrote a V4 gateway for them but havent created a V6 version. Not sure whether Stripe would accept products deemed to be adult but you could ask, their customer support is great
  8. While I would always agree with European stores only hosting with European hosting companies, the GDPR isnt about the hosting companies but is primarily about data retention and the customers right to access their data and also to require that it is deleted. Most software applications are looking at what can be added to help owners comply with these requirements. Yep ! Good intentions and everyone worldwide has to comply with the European directives if they are dealing with data from European citizens but will that ever be enforced except with the very largest global companies. Based on that data, I believe you could easily argue that customer data should be retained, however all European businesses need to be able to provide to customers, details of what data is held on them and provide a means for it to be deleted
  9. That will give you the current version of core CubeCart and show you whether a new version is available for that. For extensions, if you have previously installed an extension from the marketplace and a new version of that extension is available, then you will have a new tab next to Stock Warnings showing "Extension Updates". You can also go into Admin | Manage Extensions and get the version number that you have installed and compare that to the latest version available from https://www.cubecart.com/extensions Ian
  10. @Al Brookbanks did you see this yet and also have chance to review the other thread with an enhancement (work already done !)
  11. That is the interesting part and actually the first time I have seen any payment gateway say how long TLS1.2 has been available. Most gateway companies, PayPal in particular, word their emails like they are at the forefront of security technology and many people have been worried about this. As these people say almost all hosting / browsers etc have supported TLS1.2 for years already and even more importantly TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 should have been removed as supported technologies several years ago after they were shown to be massive flawed. TLS1.3 is in the final stages (of a very long time) before general release which is a massive leap forward in online security. Ian
  12. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/ The definitive guide as there is a lot of rubbish being talked about it although it is potentially a serious issue that applications do need to help website owners to comply with
  13. Hi Russ I have just answered your PM where you asked these same questions, but thought it might be useful to put up similar answers here in case it helps anyone else Ian -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complies: Restrict shipping solution to a list. The plugin will give you a list of available shipping rates based on what shipping modules you have installed and what rates are returned by them - it will give exactly the same as if the customer was entering the order themselves on the front end of the store plus will also give a "FREE" shipping option Complies: Tax calculated automatically. Yes exactly Probably complies - may require template customising: Customs declarations, aka commercial invoice and sometimes called a pro-forma invoice (although I believe an accountant might disagree.) Is the pro-forma invoice intended to provide a customs declaration? If so it must have a consignment note number and a declaration with signature and date. (Presumably it can be customized to do the job, but if it is correct out of the box, so much better.) The module provides html templates for Invoice (replacing the built in one so changes can be made which are then not lost when doing an upgrade) and also for new documents called Pro Forma Invoice and Packing List. Basic html documents are provided with the module and you can them customise these to your heart's content using any valid html and also incorporating any standard CubeCart variables that are available Almost definitely not: Tax-inclusive prices and totals on invoices and related documents (this is an Australian legal requirement - item prices, extension prices, subtotals and totals must all be tax-inc, with a single "Includes GST of $x.xx" at the bottom. I suspect this should really be a whole-of-CC development to provide a suite of options for price, total and tax presentation. Other countries undoubtedly have different rules again. This should not be too difficult to do (said the customer) because I observe that tax translation of prices is done by a class, so the change should be relatively contained. Customers in Australia have been using CubeCart as it is since it was first released and I guess this is a little like the UK tax requirement for sequential order numbers which is not enforced for small businesses. If it is only on documents though, I dont see any reason why it could not be done using the html templates built into the module - as long as the data is available as a variable then it can be manipulated and printed. Unknown: Order inventory sort on refresh. This is quite important. Firstly, it gives a neater result if all similar items are listed together in the order. And If some pillockxxxxx customer is dictating an order over the phone, the order of dictation will be completely random and sometimes contain duplicates. When the duplicates are pointed out (if they are detected) there will be two possible responses: No, I only need one of those, or Yep, I really need two. Sending an extra one that they don't want results in increased outbound shipping, return shipping and the issuing of a refund, which usually eliminates any profit that the order might have generated. Sorting the inventory when the refresh button is tapped will at least put the dups side by side. Sorting the items at least puts the dups adjacent. Aggregating them into a single item might even be better. At least highlighting the duplicates would be useful. The module doesnt have this feature but it could be added. Unknown: Add channel-specific tracking text with URL and tracking number to "Order shipped" email and customer-viewable order information if tracking number has been recorded. As in "Track your order at http://www.tnt.com with consignment note number 999999999." and "Track you order at www.austpost.com.au with tracking number 99999999". We already have added an option called "Delivery Agents" - can you read the description of this functionality on the module page https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/enhanced-admin-order-entry as I suspect that this could be used for this Unknown: Add vendor note to customer to tax invoice and to customer-visible order information. This is standard functionality ? Unknown: Item numbers displayed in the order inventory listing. The module doesnt have this functionality but again could be added Unknown: Record actual shipping cost The module doesnt have this functionality but again could be added Unknown: Recording shipping payment method, selected from a list (e.g. I currently use CC - paid by credit card and SS - Stamps or Satchels from Stock. I run a monthly report that selects all CC shipping payments by partner and produces a CSV file that I import into my accounting system MYOB to create the shipping purchases, and another that creates the associated payments. This reduces accounting and reconciliation effort immensely,) This is fairly simple for me to do, but so much better if you at least capture the data. The module doesnt have this functionality but again could be added Template change?: Omit "Discount" field on invoice and cart totals unless the Discount value is non-zero. It is generally good bottom-line practice to not remind people that discounts are even a concept unless they really deserve one. I think this can be done by doctoring the template. This is more of a front end design / coding issue rather than anything to do specifically with Admin Order Entry although I suppose it could be added as a feature but would need to know in more detail how you would want it to work especially around using discount coupons etc Template change?: Add mobile phone number to the address block (second line under the name) to help reduce returns. You can easily add this to the html templates Template change?: Display expected weight We display the weight on the admin side of things within our module so that is covered and if you mean on anything printed, then that could also be done by changing our html templates Template change?: Add legislated (in Australia) "TAX INVOICE" and ABN (= vat ID) to invoice. Customers cannot claim purchases as deductible inputs unless they have a compliant tax invoice. Yes, that can easily be added to the html code so that is displayed Template change?: Australia Post addressing standards (and many others) prefer that the town name is in upper case. I think this can be fixed in the template using the smarty UPPER variable modifier. Again if you are talking front end, then several skin template files would need to be modified. If you are talking about only on printed documents, then can can easily be done by modifying the html documents built into the module. Ian
  14. If you click on the commit reference you will see the changes, which in this case is the removal of one line of code accidentally left in https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/ef39c025423b47eff52794a70f85c4898f07abe8 Ian
  15. Hi Already fixed in the next release - you can easily patch the fix beforehand if you wish Ian
  16. The Enhanced Admin Order Entry plugin calculates tax and shipping correctly for you when entering orders as an admin Ian
  17. Russ Did you actually add the inventory line by clicking the green plus next to it ? Check out our Enhanced Admin Order Entry plugin (and our others while you are there) from this page https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/developer/havenswift-hosting Ian
  18. Extract admin.php from the 6.1.13 zip file, rename it so it matches the admin_XXXXXX.php one you have on your website and then upload it over the top of that - you definitely dont need admin.php as well - failed upgrades are the cause of more problems than anything else
  19. If they are in the /cache directory then yes, they can be deleted but there is no need (unless you know that changes you have made need the cache clearing to take effect) as they will simply be recreated again. If you are saying these are in the top level directory in the same place we have been talking about with the admin files etc, then there is something very wrong !
  20. Niall The files with "enc" in them are old encoded V5 ones and can / should be deleted. The existence of the other admin folders and files shows that updates that you have done have not been completed correctly (done via the update button rather than manually ?) and you should follow Brian's advice for deleting all the ones that are used. I would also recommend that you upload the admin folder and admin.php again to ensure that you have the correct ones loaded as almost certainly you will have a mixture of versions. So admin.php from the zip should be uploaded over admin_XXXXXX.php and the /admin folder contents should all be uploaded into the admin_YYYYYY directory Ian
  21. Hi If there slideshow was working using the default images, then if you have changed which images are used and those images exist in specified location, then you probably accidentally removed some other code while changing the image names. Regarding wanting help with your sites, drop me a PM with details of what sites you have, what type of help you are looking for etc Ian
  22. Paul A first time visitor to the site will get the store default language which is English (USA) which gives you the State as opposed to County that English (UK) would give you BUT it will also use Cell Phone rather than the Mobile that you need. Your best bet would be to create an English (Aus) version and change everything that you want to be different, use that as the default which would be more natural I expect for the majority of the site visitors - it could even be submitted back to the marketplace ! Ian
  23. This has been a problem for a while now - even knowing where it should be, it is difficult - it took me quite a while just recently when I wanted to update my own. Perhaps @Al Brookbanks can see if it can be changed to make it easier Ian
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