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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. The error means that one or more of the database name, DB username or DB password are incorrect or alternatively as Brian has said, that your dbhost is not pointing to the correct server where the database is Ian
  2. There is this @Noodleman plugin https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/show-prices-with-and-without-tax-/-vat and this certainly copes with all displayed pricing but you should check with him what is needed for figures displayed on the invoice / emails etc Ian
  3. If the Braintree plugin is working differently to Standard then it needs reporting to @Al Brookbanks
  4. Simply add a directive into .htaccess to force a redirect from http to https and then all pages on front end and back end will be https Ian
  5. Hi Harvey If you don’t have a specific reason for installing it in the /cube sub-directory, then move all contents from that directory up one level to the root level. This type of installation is often done using one of the installation tools such as Softaculous and often causes more problems. Ian
  6. Hi Peter Also ensure that when you create the database on the new hosting, you must use the exact same database name, database user and password or more likely what you will need to do (some Hosting systems will enforce a naming convention, at least in part) is update the /includes/global.inc.php file with the newly created database details Ian
  7. A SSL protects you and your site visitors from far more than just the payment side of things which is why Google are now flagging sites as inscure if they don’t have a valid certificate. It sounds like you have a self signed certificate installed which was probably one of the worst ideas ever thought of and something that should have been removed from Hosting environments years ago. You install a SSL at the Hosting level (it isn’t something CubeCart or any other application can sort out) and there are a big range of options that may or may not be available from your Hosting company and so you should speak to them to enquiry what is possible Ian
  8. The joys of running your own server / VPS instance ! You need to look at what cyphers your server supports - you certainly shouldnt be allowing SSLv2, SSLv3 and even TLS1.0 can probably be removed especially with TLS1.3 now around
  9. Softaculous has installed it into the /cube sub-directory and you will need to move everything from there to the top level public_html directory Ian
  10. How did you install it and what is the url so we can have a look ? Ian
  11. >>To run PHP 7.1 on my server (TSOHost shared hosting) I have to edit a line in .htaccess from If you switched from PHP 5.6 to 7.1 then that should have automatically have made that change and as it obviously didnt, of course it is going to cause some major issues >>In addition I had to have a copy of the ioncube folder in the root of CC, and php.ini with two lines at the end of it That is only required if your hosting doesnt have ionCube installed for your version of PHP - no idea why some hosting companies dont just include it rather than expecting their customers to have the hassle of installing and updating it themselves >>How can I get my store working with PHP 7.1? Core CubeCart doesnt need ionCube and works extremely well on PHP7.1 If you are using one or more plugins that is encoded then you need to ensure that you both have the correct version of the ionCube loaders installed AND that the encoded versions of the plugins have been created for 7.1 - those encoded for earlier versions are not compatible. Check your error_log file and that will show an error if this is the case
  12. The Braintree PayPal plugin will only work with stock Foundation skin because of the way it has been written - it has been reported !
  13. Chris That is highlighting missing or incorrect keys on tables within your database- while it generally won’t cause any serious issues, performing MySQL operations on tables, especially if they are large, will be much slower without indexes. There is only upside to adding them - there is a thread on these forums where I already explained in detail how to correct these. You should check this after each upgrade as new indexes are being added all of the time Ian
  14. Files are uploaded to the public_html/files directory which is protected via the .htaccess file found within that directory Ian
  15. A quick search in the marketplace list these ones written by @Noodleman https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/search?q=report Many of our clients run these and say they are great
  16. It could be that the upgrade failed or didnt complete correctly - most people are unable to upgrade using the built in admin based upgrade. There are other possible reasons for this error but it is almost impossible without seeing what is going on - have you checked you disk space allowance hasnt been exceeded ?
  17. @Al Brookbanks may need to get an update to the forum software or maybe it is a configurable item - I only found it just now because I knew which page it was supposed to be on !
  18. Well it depends what exact problems you are having. What version are you running, have you made any changes to core code - the skin appears to be a minimally modified version of Foundation. Do you get the same issues on a fresh 6.1.13 with unmodified Foundation skin. There is this report https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1828
  19. So are you saying this happened after you upgraded to 6.1.13 ? How did you do the upgrade - manual is the only way that works ? It could be a permissions issue
  20. Hi Pete If you are not on the latest version, upgrade to that as there was some issues with tokens in earlier versions that could cause this Ian
  21. Effectively the same as https://features.cubecart.com/topic/allow-previously-registered-customer-to-checkout-as-guest-as-a-config-option_8
  22. Yes, simply add redirect directives to your .htaccess file to detect /index.php and redirect to domain url without it - we set this up (and also redirect from non SSL url to url using SSLfor all our customers
  23. That only happens if you dont do the upgrade correctly - once the admin.php and admin directory are correctly renamed, further correctly done upgrades do not change these
  24. Hi We have a V4 mod that does this and a fair bit more and am talking to two clients with a view to writing this as a V6 plugin and already have the spec put together - if you are interested in getting involved, can you register at our site https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk and drop me a ticket and I’ll let you have details of what we are planning Ian
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