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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. Try this: $words = preg_replace('/[^\p{Greek}a-zA-Z0-9\s.]+/u', '', $search_data['keywords']);
  2. CC618 will use the product's Short Description if it exists. If not, the product's Main Description will be used after stripping away all HTML tags. Whichever is used, if the description needs truncating, the first action is to decode entities, such as " to a quote mark. But the use of this function employs the ENT_COMPAT filter which does not convert the apostrophe - &#39. The second action is to discard everything after the product precis limit. The third action is to re-encode all the entities. The use of this function will see &#39 and encode the ampersand - '. Thus, at the browser, after decoding &, we still see '. In the file /classes/catalogue.class.php, near line 218: Find: return htmlentities(substr(html_entity_decode($short_description, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 0, $product_precis), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'…'; Change to: return htmlentities(substr(html_entity_decode($short_description, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, $product_precis), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'…'; This will be fixed in CC619.
  3. I hope this is what you are wanting: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/affiliate-trackers
  4. In the Foundation skin /templates/ directory, using a programmer's text editor, open for editing the file main.php. The simple approach is to: Find: <script src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/js/vendor/jquery.js"></script> Add after: <script src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/js/vendor/adsense.js"></script> This assumes your script is named adsense.js, and that it is located in the skin's /js/vendor/ folder. Having edited a skin template, you may need to have CubeCart clear its cache (admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache).
  5. I believe it simply compares the grand total and if a mismatch, will not move the order to Processing. (The underlying fault with the payment process in general is beyond CubeCart's control.)
  6. In /classes/catalogue.class.php, near line 1806 (CC618), THERE IS: $words = preg_replace('/[^\p{Greek}a-zA-Z0-9\s]+/u', '', $search_data['keywords']); Note that there is no punctuation in the class of characters (enclosed in brackets), so the period will be removed. If this is character is important, try adding it. The above is relevant to CubeCart's first search attempt - 'fulltext'. If there are no results, CubeCart makes a second attempt using 'rlike' - a whole-word search. The entered keyword phrase is split on spaces and commas, and the resulting array now comprises whole words whatever characters they may contain. If still no results, CubeCart makes a third attempt using 'like' - a match of a partial word to be found in any part of the haystack. Such as 'one' being found in 'honey'.
  7. That would depend on the skin, but try looking at the skin template content.category.php, the <form> code that shows based on {if isset($SORTING)}.
  8. These templates may have had their rendered format "cached" by CubeCart. The rendered format will only populate the template with current values of variables, but the HTML of the template, once rendered and put in the cache, does not change. Please try this: in admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, check Clear Cache and click Submit.
  9. I have just tried GWork's Product Tabs on CC618 showing the Kurouto skin. I have no problems.
  10. Please do this research: Enable debugging in CubeCart: admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, Enable Debugging and enter your IP address in the adjacent field (www.whatismyip.com) View a fresh copy of the product page. At the bottom of the page, there will be a grey section containing many things including a list of database queries. The query you are wanting to see is something like: SELECT * FROM `CubeCart_option_value` WHERE CubeCart_option_value.option_id = '7' AND `value_id` IN (1,2,3,20,21,22,23) ORDER BY `priority` ASC, `value_name` ASC ; where the option_id is found in admin, Product Options, Option Groups tab.Hover the mouse over the Delete icon and the URL the browser shows will have an ID value in it. And where the set of numbers for value_id are for the Option Attributes for that specific Option Group. (There may be other numbers in the set.) Regarding the query above, if there is no ORDER BY clause, then we need to determine why.
  11. CubeCart will not integrate into anything. It can exist in a sub-directory, while other apps can sit in the parent directory and sibling sub-directories. Other functionality cannot integrate into CubeCart other than what plugins can provide. The site you mention is using Magento, and has all the same components (positioned elsewhere).
  12. Your custom CSS is being applied, but then is immediately being overruled. In the file /orange/navigation.css, line 20, there is the change in the background to the top-bar class. However, at line 378 (a later rule overrules previous rules), there is a media group for medium up that sets the background color for the top-bar class. I suggest you edit the rules in the media groups if you want different effects based on viewport size, or make universal changes at the bottom of the file. Then force your browser to reload the page resources.
  13. The CSS rule above looks strange. This is how I would write it: @media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em) { /* at-rules should nest other rules */ /* navigation.css:1 */ .top-bar { background: #7499c2; overflow: visible; } } Your second line (my third line) is now a comment as it is not a CSS property.
  14. The 'automatic' upgrade feature (where CubeCart manages the backup, downloads the most recent package, unzips, and then runs setup) has had issues in past versions: the location of the downloadable source package changed, large stores would timeout when making the backup, incomplete unzipping, and other things. You can certainly try to have CubeCart do this, but do not have high expectations.
  15. Welcome Stevanovich! Glad to see you made it to the forums. CubeCart does not have the means to administratively modify skin designs or the color palette. Some skin authors have added that ability as part of the skin package, but CubeCart itself does not do this. (You may be thinking about how WordPress does things like this.) Please examine the source HTML received by your browser. Your browser may have a diagnostic/developer console that will show you this. Make sure the CSS file that being requested is from the /orange/ folder. The developer panel may also be able to show you the CSS rules that are in play. It could be the case that the top-bar background is being overruled elsewhere. If your site is publicly accessible, let us know its web address and we can take a look.
  16. Please read again my response. I added more to it since you last read it.
  17. CubeCart 3 needs an instruction to have PHP suppress the reporting of "deprecated" notices. To do that: In the CC3 file /includes/ini.inc.php, near line 3, find: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE | E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED) ); A bigger challenge is to find and recode all occurrences of the ereg() family of PHP functions, and the mysql() family of functions. According to the PHP documentation, both ereg() and mysql() family of functions are still deprecated - that is, they still work but warnings are given - but have actually been removed in PHP7. The second error you have, the undefined function, is likely caused by the PHP update not having the mysql extension enabled. Consult with your hosting provider to determine how to enable this extension. (Not to be confused with the mysqli extension.)
  18. Making CC3 work with later versions of PHP will require some edits to the code. The latest versions of all the CubeCart version families are now configured to not have any licensing requirements.
  19. Safe? Probably - as it doesn't do any damage to your database. Actually functional on CC618? I haven't tried it as yet - but will. If you are still on the same server as last you used it, then it may not cause any problems. Otherwise, the code does use PHP function sequences that will trigger mod_security rules.
  20. A manual upgrade will involve getting the latest version, unzipping it locally, FTPing the package to the site, while instructing the FTP program to overwrite any existing file (your hosting control panel may be able to streamline this - unzipping on-site). Then, run /setup/index.php. This will update the database and attempt to rename the script admin.php and the folder /admin/ to an obfuscated variant.
  21. Please try: In /classes/cubecart.class.php, near lines 2147-2151 (for CC618), find: $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('REDIRECT_TO', $redir); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('URL', array( 'register' => $GLOBALS['seo']->buildURL('register'), 'recover' => $GLOBALS['seo']->buildURL('recover')) ); On the blank line after that, add: $meta_data=array('name'=>"Login",'path'=>null,'description'=>"Your Login Page",'keywords'=>"Login",'title'=>"Login",);$GLOBALS['seo']->set_meta_data($meta_data);
  22. The 500ISE is just the web browser reporting that, generally, something went wrong - and as is revealed by the eror message, PHP crashed with a permissions issue. Please determine the CHMOD values of the file CubeCart created. You may also need to get your hosting provider to help in determining who "owns" that file which is part of the permissions. But I have no answer why PHP7 vs. PHP5 might be the source of the permissions disagreement.
  23. The file main.php is a Smarty template. As such there are rules to adding any other code that may look like Smarty code. So, where you want to add this new code to the template, start with a new line having {literal} and end with a new line having {/literal}. Javascript and CSS both use braces, which are Smarty command code delimiters. The literal command informs Smarty that what is between is to be taken 'literally' and to not try to interpret it.
  24. Keep in mind that the browser you are using keeps copies of CSS, javascript, and image files - a page's resources - in its own local cache. If one changes the contents of a page resource, but not its filename, the browser will likely use the version in its local cache. To force your browser to fetch all new copies of a page's resources, the typical way is the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F5. I am still finding this syntax error at five locations. Are you sure you uploaded the stock foundation.css file? I removed those five CSS syntax errors (yes, I can make changes to the CSS file being used by my browser for immediate effect) and your site is behaving correctly.
  25. I think CubeCart's PayPal Pro module (includes Express(?), the yellow button) is set up to show most if not all the errors that PayPal could possibly send back from a transaction. I believe the message, "The merchant country is not supported," means that Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) is not a country that PayPal has agreed to support with its "PayPal Express" system. Being a merchant using PayPal, you may need to consult with PayPal and verify if the home country of your business is recognized by PayPal for these methods (Direct, Express, Hosted, but maybe not Standard). -Edit- Maybe it is not Express you are using. See: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/howto_product_matrix/
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