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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. The entries in the error log should have the time the error occured shown. Please note the time when you get the blank screen. Then compare the time(s) in the log. The one that matches (may be off by some time zones, but the minutes will be accurate) will be related to the problem. If it is an Invalid Security Token, then either: You have too many windows/tabs open and you are submitting forms one window/tab right after the other, or You recently upgarded and have conflicting versions of the admin folder contents (probably not likely). With respect to the array_keys problem, that has been fixed. In dashboard.index.inc.php, near line 309: Find: if($GLOBALS['session']->has('version_check')) { $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['session']->get('version_check'); $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_extension_info', false, array('file_id' => array_keys($extension_updates))); if($extension_updates) { $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['dashboard']['title_extension_updates'], 'extension_updates', null, null, count($extension_updates)); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('EXTENSION_UPDATES', $extension_updates); } } Change to: if($GLOBALS['session']->has('version_check')) { $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['session']->get('version_check'); $file_ids = (is_array($extension_updates) && !empty($extension_updates) ? array_keys($extension_updates) : array(-1)); $extension_updates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_extension_info', false, array('file_id' => $file_ids)); if($extension_updates) { $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['dashboard']['title_extension_updates'], 'extension_updates', null, null, count($extension_updates)); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('EXTENSION_UPDATES', $extension_updates); } } When CubeCart disagrees with the Security Token, it dumps the POSTed form data (that is, nothing gets updated), and delivers to you the Dashboard. When building the dashboard page, CubeCart will display its results from a remote query as to whether any modules have updated versions available. So, if you were doing the "many open tabs" activity, that would explain the entire chain of events with the exception of the blank screen. If the error_log does not show a Fatal Error, then, in my experience, the blame is on Smarty trying to build a page with very bad data. Smarty does not allow its errors to be logged in PHP's error_log. But, you might be able to see Smarty errors in CubeCart's System Error Log.
  2. We would ask that you create the error_log. Then, when you get the blank screen, examine the contents of that log.
  3. Did this just start to happen? If so, maybe your hosting provider changed something in the hosting environment. We would ask that you create the error_log that might give a clue to the blank page.
  4. Consider not including the category names in the path generation. (Admin, Store Settings, Search Engines tab, "Add category to product URL path?" set to "No".) For the seo-path, enter 'kablar/test'. See if that actually works for you. Probably better would be 'kablar-test'.
  5. If you have many simultaneous page request/responses, I can see how max_user_connections could be exceeded. But my experiences show that once a page has been delivered, PHP closes down the connection as PHP is destroying itself. There may be server optimization techniques that keep PHP up and running even though it is not needed. (Saves time on starting a PHP session.) But I would imagine this is based on cookie/sessions. (Havenswift should have better analysis.) Having multiple tabs open for CubeCart pages has no correlation to what PHP is doing on the server.
  6. Look around your hosting control panel for any error logs. I think PHP's error log will not have what we need to see, but the web server's error log should. Ask your hosting provider if they can enable the web server error logging, if not already. Then occasionally check it. The web server error log should contain instances of files not found, at least, and should match the times given in the web server access log. (Even in the access log, you may be able to see whatever strange GETs and POSTs and any other strange entries.)
  7. Yes. CubeCart will create the seo-path using the product name as the source for the path. Thus, if you enter the Product Name in Swedish, CubeCart uses whatever is there (swedish words) to create the path. If you enter the Product Name in in English, CubeCart uses whatever is there (english words) to create the path. If you enter the Product Name in Klingon, CubeCart uses whatever is there (klingon words) to create the path. The Product Name is language-agnostic - what you enter is what it is. For translations, again, the Product Name you enter is what it is for that translation. I will have to check, but I believe CubeCart uses the primary language (as opposed to any translation) of the Product Name as the source for the seo-path. Once the seo-path has been created, CubeCart remembers it. CubeCart does not re-create the seo-path should you change the Product Name or add translations. You can let CubeCart reconstruct the seo-path by blanking the existing seo-path in the text entry field, then submitting the form. CubeCart will create the seo-path from the Product Name unless you actually enter whatever seo-path you want this product to have. The seo-path need not be similar or related to the Product Name in any way. Only if the seo-path is left blank when submitting the form will CubeCart create one for you. Curently, CubeCart is not coded to accept more than one seo-path for a product, document, and category. Work is in progress to allow language-specific seo-paths to point to the same item.
  8. There are two reasons why a coupon is rejected with the message "Sorry, that code has expired." 1. If there is a time limit and the current time is after that limit, or 2. If there is a useage limit and the number of times the coupon has been used has reached that limit. You should be able to see these limits when viewing the coupon list in admin, Promotional Codes. If you have a plugin or code snippet that enhances limits imposed on a coupon, those limits may have been exceeded. Actually, there is a third reason: If the value that the coupon would have provided turns out to have no value at all, then you get that error message as well. For example, a discount percentage (expressed as a real number greater than 0 -- 10 for 10%), or if no percentage, then a fixed amount (expressed as a real number greater than zero -- 5.00 for $5.00). Be sure to use only real numbers - do not include currency symbols.
  9. Note that I did not imply you should switch your store to using CC3. Please do not do that. The language file in CC3 may help in the creation of a new CC6 language pack.
  10. Searching for how to do this seems to suggest it is a hassle - a work-around. But the comments I read on StackOverflow were kinda old. Maybe Github can do this now with public repositories?
  11. @Al Brookbanks, Regarding the Github, request that issues for v5 be restored (read-only, of course) for research purposes. Case in point, I would like to show the reason for a code change related to: https://github.com/cubecart/v5/commit/78f337e3e3afbc1965777ed18080f90f8b1aceaf
  12. Welcome mediaMum! Glad to see you made it to the forums.Are you, yourself, literate in Chinese? If so, download the latest version of CubeCart 3. CC3 comes with a language pack for CN (although, the internal docs suggest TW). This language pack for CC3 is 100% not useable in CC6. It is in ANSI 950 (TCBig5). A good programmer's text editor can convert that to UTF-8. Also, it is inconceivable that the number of language phrases available would be anywhere near the number of phrases CC6 uses. And the PHP syntax does not match CC6's language file syntax. But it's a start. It could be a good start, or it could as worthless as the first ten steps in a 10K marathon. I'm not aware of any other source of language packs other than those found here: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/languages
  13. The admin does not get an email when an order goes to Complete. The customer does. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, be sure there is a valid email for "Sender's Email Address". (Also, you should know there are some hosting providers whose server environments have extreme difficulty emailing to the same domain as that of the store. That is, if the email '[email protected]' is handled on the same server as 'www.bo.com', it may be impossible to receive that email.) Next, in admin, Administrators, edit your admin profile. Make sure you have "Receive order notifications?" enabled. If this email is different than the store's general "Sender's Email Address", then CubeCart should send an email to both addresses. As an experiment, make your admin profile email address to something not the store's email address domain.
  14. You may also want to view in admin, Email Log. See if any emails were sent to other than the customer.
  15. Welcome Jacojvr! Glad to see you made it to the forums. You may be referring to the Print Order Form gateway extension. It is the only thing I know that has bank details. To change the POF settings: admin, Manage Extensions, click the Edit icon of the Print Order Form. Then Enable/Disable sections of the form as desired, and enter details for each section. To change the actual layout of the form, using a programmer's text editor, find: /modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/skin/print.tpl
  16. I see that the editor used by CubeCart is adding fixed values to width and height. Either switch the editor to Source mode and manually delete the style=",,," attribute, or click on each image, bring up the image properties dialog window, and empty the dimensions values. (Then manually check the image dimensions again.)
  17. Unfortunately, the drop-down selector that chooses when an admin receives an email for a new order does include all possible order statuses, but only the Pending and Processing choices are valid. So, in admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Order status for admin email notifications", set this to "Pending" for further experiments.
  18. Could the image that got cloned onto the new product be sitting in an image sub-folder? And that is why there is no gold star showing for any of the images currently listed in the Edit Product's Images tab? Verify that you can change the image after first saving the newly cloned product's settings.
  19. Welcome JayP12! Glad to see you made it to the forums. We may need to apply some CSS styling with relative dimensions and stay away from fixed. May we have a web address to see this?
  20. Clicking the Update button certainly does not include the quantity of items on the form. I think submitting the form is javascript powered, and that maybe you have an issue with your javascript crashing, but I don't see that on my end.
  21. Please recall which language you modified. Then, in admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable CubeCart's debug mode and enter your IP address in the adjacent field (www.whatismyip.com). When you visit the storefront, at the bottom of the page, there will be a debug section of data. In Session, determine what language is being used. Did you edit that language?
  22. Welcome stevebo! Glad to see you made it to the forums. Unfortunately, the drop-down selector when an admin receives an email for a new order includes all possible order statuses, but only the Pending and Processing choices are valid. The Test button should throw up a window showing the entire conversation between CubeCart and the SMTP server specified. Hopefully you see that -- in addition to the test email being received. Customers will receive emails once the order goes to Processing, and more when it goes to Completed. Please make sure there is a language enabled in admin, Languages. Then, in admin, Email Templates, make sure there are at least one flag showing in the Translations column. You may also want to view Admin, Email Log.
  23. At one time, I had CubeCart 3 using an Authorize.net module coded for Automated Recurring Billing. Finding provider is the first and easiest step. Coding a CubeCart gateway module to process ARB transactions is harder.
  24. In the snippet above (addcustgrps@cubecart600+), make this edit: Find: $snippet_addcustgrps_group_ids = []; On a new blank line after that, add: $snippet_addcustgrps_group_names = []; (Do this also for the edit to the hook I just sent you as a PM.)
  25. I will need to determine which runs first, the plugin which creates $DROPSHIP_BILLING from the order details, or the snippet that adds cust_groups into the order details. Be back soon.
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