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  1. "Can i get the admin file from the update and reload it?" Yes. "When i do an update to the newest update do i need to go through all the past updates or can i just update the newest files?" The newest files.
    1 point
  2. Please examine the file /includes/ckeditor/config.js, and determine if this line appears exactly as follows: config.protectedSource = [/{\S*?.*?\S}/g]; If so, then this could be related to #3573, where a meta tag (well, possibly others) has been determined to be illegal. But I do think script tags are legal. If not, then review the Github issue #3427.
    1 point
  3. I answered this question just a few days ago. But I cannot find that conversation. In admin, Product Options, Add a new group using the type "Textbox (Single Line)". Give an appropriate description (optional - only the admin will see this) and a Name. Save. In admin, Products, bring a product up for editing. On the Options tab, Add New Option, select the name of the textbox from the drop-down. Here, you can also specify a price differential. CubeCart does not yet have the code to dynamically add/display follow-on options based on some other option or option combination.
    1 point
  4. It is the whole reported number as the percentage, that is, for you, 7.00 (do not include the actual percent character). If you are experiencing this in CC654, please know that several stores are experiencing tax calculation issues. The solution at present is to make an edit to the following file: /classes/cart.class.php, line 1203, remove the line: $this->get(); The value $37.90 is 3X what the tax should be, thus somewhere, somehow, CubeCart is running $179 through the tax calculator three times. (Personally, I have not discovered why, but the programmers imply this should be the fix.)
    1 point
  5. Ok in that case try 1.9.7 (just released): https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/paypal-commerce
    1 point
  6. This issue will be resolved with an upgrade to the latest version. I'd recommend using the latest build: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/archive/refs/heads/v6.5-master.zip
    1 point
  7. you are a hero! - Thanks works perfectly under SMTP!
    1 point
  8. I'll note here that my store is set to reduce stock on processing, but I've had customers with this same problem even before PayPal Commerce.
    1 point
  9. I have read that CC650+ works with PHP 8.3. (Currently, I cannot experiment with PHP 8.3 because my server's operating system is too old.)
    1 point
  10. There will be some problems with PHP 8.0+. There are several incompatible changes compared to earlier PHP version families. PHP 7.3 is in the same situation as PHP 5 - end of life. I think PHP 7.4 would work without too much trouble for CC642, - again, end of life.
    1 point
  11. Is it possible to show random products in the sidebar, instead of featured products? Or perhaps to show random products instead of latest products on the homepage? Thank you very much for your time!
    1 point
  12. From what I see, the CBurst "View Product" page will show a "Swipe Gallery" if there are more than one image assigned to the product. (This is not images assigned to options.) If there is only one main image assigned to the product, there is no gallery. (The images posted above suggest there is more than one image assigned to that product.) So, there are edits that need to be made to the skin so that "Images Assigned to Options" feature will work. But not on a Gallery. I will post what those edits are soon. (There also seems to be a problem with some CSS code bleeding over into the Short Description area.)
    1 point
  13. Yes please use SagePay-1.0.13.zip. It should be fine with PHP 7.2 but 7.4 would be safer.
    1 point
  14. Please try: https://cubecart.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360003831497-How-can-I-create-a-plugin-using-the-code-hooks-system
    1 point
  15. The knowledgebase article that (sparsely) covers this is: https://cubecart.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360003794038-How-do-I-create-a-new-front-end-dynamic-section-or-page (Ignore the mention about the encoded index file.) A deeper discussion can be had here on the forums.
    1 point
  16. I am going to ignore the lines that appear to come from an SSL Cert manager. I just wanted to make sure there is an appropriate RewriteBase directive. It will be interesting as to what would be found in the web access logs.
    1 point
  17. Great! Thank you very much. It is working, I used the database credential and host localhost:9200. In the search box, to get the drop down list product, need to use mouse cursor. Can we add keyboard up,down to reach to the downward list instead of mouse cursor. Even after click outside of the search box, ES search dropdown list wont disappear. Need to used ESC key. It would be good idea to add one click functionality to clear search dropdown list like ESC key.
    1 point
  18. Did this transaction pass 3D secure? If so I believe it should be protected and you shouldn't be liable to chargeback fees. Our PayPal integration has much more granular settings. If you want to you can choose to only accept payments that pass 3D secure. With that setting enabled you are never liable to chargeback fees. The square extension could have this feature added.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Since upgrading to version 6.5.2 we have the following issue: For reference our shop is located at https://www.airbornesappers.org.uk/shop/index.php We do have products with a Sale price entered, which are less than retail and greater than zero In Store Settings - Features we have Sales Mode set to Per Product, with Number of sale items to display set to 20 I don't know if the upgrade to 6.5.2 has caused this, all I can say is that prior to the upgrade Sale Items were displayed in the Sale Items category I've searched other topics and checked as much as I know what to check but can't fix this error Any help appreciated Thank you
    1 point
  21. A 'throbber' (spinning circle) that does not go away indicates that the javascript that is supposed to cancel the throbber and make the browser proceed to the next step, has crashed, failed to start, or failed to load. Failing to load could be caused by a browser extension that prohibits fetching javascript from non-whitelisted sources. While stuck on the CloudFlare page, examine the browser settings menu for a "Developer" section, then view the browser 'console'. It will indicate the cause of being stuck on the CloudFlare page.
    1 point
  22. Hm. We can see that right away CubeCart is told to use fr-FR, but the phrases are not coming from that language pack. (See Debug Messages[0]) Please examine the following and try the suggested action: In admin, Languages, take note of any actual entries in the Domain column (not the slightly greyed-out suggested examples). If there are actual entries, blank them out and Save. Have CubeCart clear its internal cache. Did anything change?
    1 point
  23. Have done that for you on Github now. Hopefully that can be sorted, as those skins are a big plus.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Please bring up the extension for viewing the settings in admin, Extensions, find Card Capture and click the Edit icon. On the next page shown, what does the Description field show?
    1 point
  26. Please reload this forum conversation. I made a mistake on the last line of the new code.
    1 point
  27. I'm only running All in One Shipping v 1.0.24, Card Capture v 1.0.12, and Google Base v 1.0.3. So far, so good, but I'll keep an eye on them.
    1 point
  28. Image compression? CubeCart takes a source image, typically PNG or JPG, 750x750 pixels for example, then creates sized variants specific to the intended layout area and page. The source is uploaded to /images/source/, and CubeCart's variants are saved in /images/cache/. The specific variants are coded in the skin's config.xml file. Take a look a Foundation's config.xml file in a programmer's text editor. Here, you will find image nodes with the reference attribute indicating where the image is used. The product page uses 'medium' and 'gallery'. The maximum attribute specifies the length of the longest side, maintaining proportionality, but never longer than the original. (That is, if the source is 450x450 pixels, variants could be smaller, but will never be larger than that.) And, of course, the browser can scale the image to fit the layout's placement if the HTML coding allows it. Note also the quality attribute. For many image formats, there is the 'compression ratio', expressed as a 'quality' -- 100 being very lightly compressed, if at all, and 10 looking like crap. I have visited web pages that initially show a super-blurry image (high compression), then eventually, under javascript control, fetches a high-quality (large filesize) image to replace the blurry one. Currently, CubeCart does not do this.
    1 point
  29. In admin, Email Templates, click the language of the email you wish to edit. On the next screen, on the HTML Content tab, note that in the list of Available Macros, there is {$DATA.customer_comments}. Add this to the HTML of the email wherever you wish. For example: Find: <p><a href="{$DATA.link}">{$DATA.link}</a></p> Add after: <p>Your comments about this order: &quot;{$DATA.customer_comments}&quot;</p>
    1 point
  30. It sounds like you may be encountering a technical issue while trying to generate a token. Without additional information, it's difficult to provide specific troubleshooting advice. However, one possible solution could be to clear your browser cache and cookies, and then try generating the token again. Regarding your question about the tracking ID, it depends on which version of Google Analytics you are using. If you are using the newer Google Analytics 4, then you would enter the g-tag number (e.g. G-0K5RYTYZ11) as the tracking ID. If you are still using the older Universal Analytics, then you would enter the UA number (e.g. UA-26600668-1) as the tracking ID. UPSers Login
    1 point
  31. I added more to my post above. Please reload this forum page. There is no urgency in removing the debugging code. It does not affect how CubeCart runs.
    1 point
  32. This is the one I wanted to see: [14] HookLoader::_build_hooks_list:451:Hooks: class.cubecart.display_gateways => Array ( [paypal_commerce] => Array ( [hook_id] => 248 [plugin] => paypal_commerce [hook_name] => Display Gateway or Make Payment [enabled] => 1 [trigger] => class.cubecart.display_gateways [filepath] => [priority] => 0 ) ) More to come.
    1 point
  33. You can check your "includes/global.inc.php" file it will have the link to the admin page in it, $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin_xxxxx.php';
    1 point
  34. This appears to be the summary view of the order in admin, correct? If so, I agree that the summary should indicate both what the shipping would otherwise have been, but that has been reduced because of some other function. (That function should be mentioned in the Notes tab.) I think this is not directly related: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2998 Let me see what I can find.
    1 point
  35. Please create the error log: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/51550-how-to-create-the-error-log/ There may be clues to what is happening.
    1 point
  36. Yes. That data item is found in {$PRODUCT.use_stock_level}. The code sequence: {if $PRODUCT.use_stock_level}Extra language{/if} will need to be in template code (as opposed to the "Description" content of the product's data).
    1 point
  37. According to this issue in the Github: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2754 a zone cannot be created against countries and counties/states that are not enabled. However, the question remains, what if a country is later disabled, after a zone has been created for it? Will CubeCart still offer any shipping to a customer whose delivery address contains a disabled country/county/state? Regardless, a means to enable/disable each already created zone is a nice idea. Be back soon.
    1 point
  38. We are in the middle of developing a plug-in to cover both these areas of functionality. It is a big job to do it fully so have no release date yet but will be in the first half (hopefully first quarter) of next year. If you want to register as a client at our website and open a support ticket asking about this, we are interested in people’s views on functionality and we can keep you updated regarding progress
    1 point
  39. An enhancement regarding Gift Cards allows: the admin to assign a collection of images to the Gift Card system. One image is the default (master). the admin to have a text editor to add more content to the Gift Card purchase page. the customer to choose an image when purchasing a Gift Card. for the additional content to appear on the Gift Card purchase page. At checkout, a small-sized image of the chosen image appears in the list of basket items. For a physical Gift Card, the card can be (pre)printed with the chosen image. For an emailed notice, the HTML content can now include a link to the image the customer chose. For example, the collection of images may include birthday, Mother's day, Winter holiday, Valentine's day, Thank You, and other themes. This enhancement is not a plugin. It involves hard code edits.
    1 point
  40. My solution was to remove the registration page link from my skin and form fields within the registration page. I only have the the option to create an account on the checkout, therefore users and spammers will need to place an order to create an account, genuine users will do so but the spammers wont proceed. Has worked well for me for 2 years, no fake accounts created. I believe they create fake accounts so your shop sends registration emails or password resets to their targets & used to spam people and will give your store/email a bad reputation, some users may report these emails as spam and accounts like google mail will auto junk any future mail you send or your report your site to your hosting provider for sending spam.
    1 point
  41. Yes, as well as all logs.
    1 point
  42. This may be related to an open issue: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3057 If the error was copied from CubeCart's admin, System Error Log, if you hover the mouse over the error, there may be a popup that gives the trace PHP made to get to the code that errored. If that popup appears, try to copy/paste the contents to a reply here.
    1 point
  43. Currently, no. But, CubeCart has the ability to respect a custom API call that a "cron job" would execute on schedule, as well as hooks that could be used every time that a web page is requested to update if a specified amount of time has elapsed since the last update.
    1 point
  44. Configuring Mod Security is a server administrator's responsibility. As best I know, Mod Security is configurable on a per site basis. Therefore, it may be the case that your other website may (or may not) have Mod Security installed, and/or configured differently. We would encourage you to contact your hosting provider for assistance.
    1 point
  45. Thank you. By way of a bit of background for you. In the early stages of our online shop journey we checked out many different platforms including some of the well known names such as ZenCart. We found the setup of these other platforms to be quite difficult and certainly not as well organised and intuitive as CubeCart. The ease of setup and the organised admin area were the main reasons for us deciding to go with CubeCart, a good decision and we look forward to using it for a long time to come. These forum pages have been a big help, we really appreciate you being there and the assistance you provide, keep up the good work because no doubt I'll be back
    1 point
  46. I think nearly all of the log entries matching the examples shown in the document provided, relate to the parts of the skin template system you have stripped out (Language chooser, Featured box, Sale Items box, Newsletter box, Live Help, Debug, and Skin chooser). Looking at the source HTML delivered to my browser, I see that there is a removed text entry field for the person's phone number. This will cause the form to not even be submitted if the form validation fails. In the file /skins/ho/js/3.cubecart.validate.js, at lines 66-97, there are the rules for the contact form. Remove 92-94: }, 'contact[phone]': { phone: $('#validate_phone').text() Remove 83-85: }, 'contact[phone]': { phone: true What I do not know is this: How smart is the Validator? If the Validator does not find a text entry input field having the name contact['phone'], even with a rule referencing it, will the validator still submit the form? According to this, the Validator does not check non-existing fields (from five years ago): https://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquery-validate-check-that-a-field-exists-before-validating In other words, I do not know if this edit will fix things. FYI: The core code in cubecart.class.php, says only that 'email', 'name', 'subject', 'enquiry' are the only required fields. So maybe an issue will get posted in the Github that compares the Validator rule for the phone being required, but the core code does not.
    1 point
  47. I had issues with SendinBlue. I don't recall the exact scenario, but it went along the lines of them rejecting my mailing campaign half way through sending. I quickly spent my credits and went elsewhere. Moosend is perfect for our requirements, although they are fussy with certain address uploads.
    1 point
  48. Hi, Wish to make the sales report with the product details, which sql should I edit on? "product_code" is a new attributes that I add in, since it is not inside the table "CubeCart_order_summary". Actually, it is from table "CubeCart_order_inventory". And, How to sum the product_code? As the product code is in integer, digit form. The below code is from admin_LsSCSi/sources/reports.index.inc.php $fields = array( 'title', 'cart_order_id', 'product_code', 'order_date', 'status', 'subtotal', 'discount', 'shipping', 'total_tax', 'total', 'customer_id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'company_name', 'line1', 'line2', 'town', 'state', 'country', 'postcode', 'title_d', 'first_name_d', 'last_name_d', 'company_name_d', 'line1_d', 'line2_d', 'town_d', 'state_d', 'country_d', 'postcode_d', 'phone', 'email', 'gateway' ); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.reports.order.pre') as $hook) include $hook; $orders = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_order_summary', $fields, $where); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.reports.order.post') as $hook) include $hook; if ($orders) { ## If we are wanting an external report start new External class if (isset($_POST['external_report']) && is_array($_POST['external_report'])) { $module_name = array_keys($_POST['external_report']); $external_class_path = 'modules/external/'.$module_name[0].'/external.class.php'; if (file_exists($external_class_path)) { include $external_class_path; $external_report = new External($GLOBALS['config']->get($module_name[0])); } } ## Tally up totals $tally = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($orders as $order_summary) { $order_summary['status'] = $lang['order_state']['name_'.(int)$order_summary['status']]; foreach ($order_summary as $field => $value) { if (in_array($field, array('subtotal', 'discount', 'shipping', 'total_tax', 'total'))) { if (!isset($tally[$field])) $tally[$field] = 0; $tally[$field] += $value; } } $order_summary['country'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['country'])) ? getCountryFormat($order_summary['country']) : $order_summary['country']; $order_summary['state'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['state'])) ? getStateFormat($order_summary['state']) : $order_summary['state']; $order_summary['country_d'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['country_d'])) ? getCountryFormat($order_summary['country_d']) : $order_summary['country_d']; $order_summary['state_d'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['state_d'])) ? getStateFormat($order_summary['state_d']) : $order_summary['state_d']; $order_summary['date'] = formatTime($order_summary['order_date'],false,true); ## Run line of external report data if (isset($external_report) && is_object($external_report)) $external_report->report_order_data($order_summary); unset($order_summary['order_date'], $values); foreach ($order_summary as $field => $value) { if ($i == 0) $headers[] = $field; $values[] = (is_numeric($value) || !strpos($value, ',')) ? $value : sprintf('"%s"', addslashes($value)); } if ($i == 0 && $add_headers) $data[] = implode(',', $headers); $data[] = implode(',', $values); $smarty_data['report_date'][] = $order_summary; $i++; } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('REPORT_DATE', $smarty_data['report_date']); if (isset($_POST['download']) || (isset($_POST['external_report']) && is_array($_POST['external_report']))) { $GLOBALS['debug']->supress(true); if (isset($_POST['download'])) { $file_content = implode("\r\n", $data); $file_name = $lang['reports']['sales_data'].' '.$download_range; } else { $file_content = $external_report->_report_data; $file_name = ucfirst($module_name[0]).' '.$lang['reports']['data'].' '.$download_range; } deliverFile(false, false, $file_content, $file_name.'.csv'); exit; } ## Show table footer $tally['orders'] = count($orders); foreach ($tally as $key => $value) { $tallyformatted[$key] = ($key=='orders') ? $value : sprintf('%.2F', $value); } $smarty_data['tally'] = $tallyformatted; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DOWNLOAD', true); ## Get external module export code $where = array('module' => 'external', 'status' => '1'); ## Start classes for external reports if (($module = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_modules', 'folder', $where)) !== false) { foreach ($module as $module_data) { if(file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/modules/external/'.$module_data['folder'])) { $module_data['description'] = ucfirst(str_replace('_',' ',$module_data['folder'])); $smarty_data['export'][] = $module_data; } } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('EXPORT', $smarty_data['export']); } } else { if (isset($_POST['download'])) httpredir(currentPage()); $smarty_data['tally'] = array('orders' => 0); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('TALLY', $smarty_data['tally']); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('POST', $report_filter); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.reports.order.filter') as $hook) include $hook; Thanks~
    1 point
  49. Hi For the UK, it is a legal requirement (and one that Trading Standards take seriously and can and do prosecute for breaches) to show prices including VAT if selling to consumers. Most businesses if selling to other businesses would want to show ex VAT. As most websites are likely to sell to both businesses and consumers, the ability to choose which price (inc or ex VAT) is shown as default and with the ability to switch between the two is very important. There is a simple mod available for V4 stores from a third party developer but they have said they have no plans to develop a V5 plugin and anyway, I feel strongly that this should be part of core as it is a legal requirement. Ian
    1 point
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