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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/29/2015 in Posts

  1. Can you believe that CubeCart has been around since 2003? What started out as a small project has snowballed powering thousands of stores globally. If you have a success story you would allow us to publish we would be truly very grateful if you could share it with us. We need new merchants to realise the potential they have using CubeCart. This will help contribute to further growth, new features and an all round brighter future for everyone. Please feel free to email me personally at [email protected] with your company name, store URL and short success story of upto say 300 words. Many thanks to you all for your support.
    4 points
  2. In the skin's config.xml, find the <image reference="category">. It is set for 800 pixels on the longest dimension. Change this to 900. It will auto-scale down to fit the container (which is 848 px wide). Next, you will need to find the CSS rule (I do not know where it would be.): .cat-hdr-img img { margin: 0px auto 5px; } Change to: .cat-hdr-img img { margin: 0 0 5px; } This CSS change will remove the margin that the browser adds to either side of the image, in equal part, to center the image in the slightly wider container. Be sure to clear Cubecart's cache.
    2 points
  3. The developer will probably / should be releasing a new version of the skin to take account of all of the skin changes included in this recent version. However, if you are using a modified version, then that update will not automatically apply to your store and you should chat to the developer about this. If you dont make all the front end skin changes then you wont be able to take advantage of any fixes / new functionality that has been added - you may say that you dont need this functionality but it is always best to stay fully up to date because the situation simply gets worse and worse with each upgrade that is released - this is the problem with having custom changes
    2 points
  4. Try this: In includes/ckeditor/config.js, at the bottom, find: config.allowedContent = true; }; Change to: config.allowedContent = true; config.coreStyles_italic = {element : 'em'}; config.extraAllowedContent = 'i[*]{*}(*)'; }; CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty = '{i: 0}'; The same added statements can be used for other HTML tags used in unorthodox ways.
    2 points
  5. Email routing will automatically be set to "Automatic" or sometimes "Local Mail Exchanger" which in 99.99% of cases will be the same thing. You only need to set it to Remote if you are using external MX records pointing away from your hosting company which is effectively what Godaddy are forcing you to do by closing email ports. Some people choose to use gmail or other email service providers, but why should you have to ? Disabling php mail() is standard practice now for security reasons (WHM built in security advisor flags this as a high security risk if it is enabled !) and SMTP should always be used and configured to use SSL / TLS. Email sent via SMTP is much more secure, more likely to be delivered and not rejected or put into spam and isnt complicated to use. So much so, I would recommend that php mail() is removed as an option in CubeCart as it is very likely to disappear as an option in the near future Ian
    2 points
  6. For anyone that uses git with CubeCart (or any other packages for that matter), cPanel have been adding a huge amount of functionality which will be included in V68 - see https://features.cpanel.net/topic/allow-users-to-install-websites-from-version-control V68 is already in Edge release status so most people will not have access to it yet, but V68 should be into general release in a few months (V66 has just been released in the last week) Ian
    2 points
  7. This is the first time using this cart. Like it a lot, easy to work with and the CMS feature is excellent, my previous cart didn't have that. Didn't customize too much but happy with the way it came out. Don's Vintage Audio Feedback welcome!
    2 points
  8. The 'top menu' is the "Navigation" bar (or sometimes "Shop by Category" box). The menu is built from all the categories (enabled and unhidden) there are. There are also three special items: Home, Sale Items, and Gift Certificates. To add any other links to this group would require editing the skin template "box.navigation.php".
    2 points
  9. Brilliant, I changed a few lines and now it all looks pukka! Thanks again for all the help!
    1 point
  10. That makes sense. I think I'll keep making the change instead of changing the rate rule. Thanks!
    1 point
  11. Even though CC651 says it will run under PHP7.1+ (that statement is a bug), we very much recommend running PHP7.4, and highly recommend PHP8.1. That "unexpected =" error is from the new (as of PHP7.4) 'null coalescing assignment' operator. https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration74.new-features.php#migration74.new-features.core.null-coalescing-assignment-operator
    1 point
  12. This is the one I wanted to see: [14] HookLoader::_build_hooks_list:451:Hooks: class.cubecart.display_gateways => Array ( [paypal_commerce] => Array ( [hook_id] => 248 [plugin] => paypal_commerce [hook_name] => Display Gateway or Make Payment [enabled] => 1 [trigger] => class.cubecart.display_gateways [filepath] => [priority] => 0 ) ) More to come.
    1 point
  13. This appears to be the summary view of the order in admin, correct? If so, I agree that the summary should indicate both what the shipping would otherwise have been, but that has been reduced because of some other function. (That function should be mentioned in the Notes tab.) I think this is not directly related: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2998 Let me see what I can find.
    1 point
  14. In Catalogue Mode, customers are not even able to add items to a shopping basket. So, there is no way for CubeCart to log what the customer wanted. The admin can try to not enable any Payment Gateways. A shopping basket should be created and an Order Summary created, which the store owner can review and amend in CubeCart's administrative backend. But there will be no means for the customer to actually pay for the items via CubeCart.
    1 point
  15. I think nearly all of the log entries matching the examples shown in the document provided, relate to the parts of the skin template system you have stripped out (Language chooser, Featured box, Sale Items box, Newsletter box, Live Help, Debug, and Skin chooser). Looking at the source HTML delivered to my browser, I see that there is a removed text entry field for the person's phone number. This will cause the form to not even be submitted if the form validation fails. In the file /skins/ho/js/3.cubecart.validate.js, at lines 66-97, there are the rules for the contact form. Remove 92-94: }, 'contact[phone]': { phone: $('#validate_phone').text() Remove 83-85: }, 'contact[phone]': { phone: true What I do not know is this: How smart is the Validator? If the Validator does not find a text entry input field having the name contact['phone'], even with a rule referencing it, will the validator still submit the form? According to this, the Validator does not check non-existing fields (from five years ago): https://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquery-validate-check-that-a-field-exists-before-validating In other words, I do not know if this edit will fix things. FYI: The core code in cubecart.class.php, says only that 'email', 'name', 'subject', 'enquiry' are the only required fields. So maybe an issue will get posted in the Github that compares the Validator rule for the phone being required, but the core code does not.
    1 point
  16. Sorry to hear this Rosemary. Best of luck achieving what you want. I'm not sure I have any valuable input.
    1 point
  17. Hi, I just tried this again with with PayPal Commerce 1.6.2 and still no joy, therefore I downloaded the 1.6.2 code to get a better look .. And this is what I found - /** * CubeCart v6 * ======================================== * CubeCart is a registered trade mark of CubeCart Limited * Copyright CubeCart Limited 2019. All rights reserved. * UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904 * ======================================== * Web: http://www.cubecart.com * Email: [email protected] * License: GPL-3.0 http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 */ function ppcp_body_js($tpl_output, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { $skins = $GLOBALS['gui']->getSkinData()['info']; // $skin = $GLOBALS['gui']->getSkinData(); if (($pp_config = $GLOBALS['cache']->read('pp_config.'.$skins['name'])) === false) { if(file_exists('modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/config.custom.json')) { $pp_config = file_get_contents('modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/config.custom.json'); } else if(file_exists('modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/config.'.$skins['name'].'.json')) { $pp_config = file_get_contents('modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/config.'.$skins['name'].'.json'); } else { $pp_config = file_get_contents('modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/config.foundation.json'); } $GLOBALS['cache']->write($pp_config, 'pp_config.'.$skins['name']); } if(isset($GLOBALS['cart']->basket['total']) && $GLOBALS['cart']->basket['total'] > 0) { $pp_amount = $GLOBALS['cart']->basket['total']; } else { $pp_amount = "null"; } return preg_replace('/\<\/body\>/i','<script id="pp_config" type="application/json">'.$pp_config.'</script><script> var pp_config = JSON.parse(document.getElementById(\'pp_config\').textContent) var pp_amount = '.$pp_amount.';</script></body>', $tpl_output); return $tpl_output; } $GLOBALS['smarty']->registerFilter("output","ppcp_body_js"); On about the third line of code you can see I have replaced a line. Now the thing is that this was never going to work the variable '$skin' is never referenced in the code so its clearly in error. The question is why did nobody else experience the same ? Its probably because, and this is just a guess, many other skins are strongly based upon the foundation skin, but as I say that's only a guess .. Anyway it seems to be working now but no production test yet.. Chris.
    1 point
  18. Hi Al. Any update on this?
    1 point
  19. That would be in the AIOS module's control panel. On the admin Navigation pane, click the Manage Extensions. From the list of extensions shown, click the Edit icon for All in One Shipping. On the module's administration control panel, General tab, Debugging, select "Debug Enabled (Verbose)".
    1 point
  20. Hi @kiwi To add selected document links to the category menu you'll need to add them manually Open - amzin > templates > box.navigation.php Find lines 29-31 {if $CTRL_SALE} <li><a class="sale-link" href="{$URL.saleitems}" data-level="1" title="{$LANG.navigation.saleitems}"><i class="fas fa-tag"></i> {$LANG.navigation.saleitems}</a></li> {/if} Now just below it (before the </ul>) add your document links using the following structure <li><a href="###LINKHERE###" data-level="1" title="Document One"> Document One</a></li> To make the images responsive you'll need to remove the height/width styling from the html content and add class="img-responsive" to each of the image html elements. To do this, click on the document page in the admin panel and select the content tab then add images as normal. Then press the "source" button in the top left corner of the editor. Your images will look something like : <img alt="" src="/CubeCart/images/source/prod_01_a.png" style="width: 510px; height: 510px;" /> Now, remove the styling and add class="img-responsive" so it would look something like <img alt="" src="/CubeCart/images/source/prod_01_a.png" class="img-responsive" />
    1 point
  21. To add text you would edit templates > main.php To modify the style you would edit the relevant css file to the skin style you have set as default (style.css , cubecart.style01blue.css, cubecart.style01mint.css ect...) or if you have a cubecart.custom.css file you can add the following to it .page-head-bar { background-color: #3c3241; margin-bottom: 10px; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links{ float:right; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .parent-link { display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px; color: #3c3241; background-color: #cddc39; font-size: 12px; border-left: 1px solid #3c3241; border-right: 1px solid #3c3241; margin-left: -1px; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .parent-link:hover, .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .parent-link:focus{ text-decoration: none; background-color: #bcca35; color: #ffffff; border-left: 1px solid #bcca35; border-right: 1px solid #bcca35; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .dropdown { display: inline-block; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .dropdown .dropdown-menu{ border-radius: 0px 0px 1px 1px; margin-top: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; box-shadow: 1px 2px 8px #323232; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .dropdown .dropdown-menu li a { padding: 5px 15px; color: #555555; } .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .dropdown .dropdown-menu li a:hover, .page-head-bar .page-head-bar-links .dropdown .dropdown-menu li a:focus{ background-color: #bcca35; color:#ffffff; } then modify the style to suit your needs. You will need to clear the site cache if you have the cache enabled to see css changes
    1 point
  22. We are aware of these rogue blank lines appearing in the editor unwanted, but do not yet know how it happens.
    1 point
  23. wow, almost everytime I am stuck with something, there's already a post in the forum. Sale Items be gone ...
    1 point
  24. He is also trying to fix the "remove item" bug.
    1 point
  25. @traylor23 you are very welcome ! One takeaway is that you might want to look into the frequency and accessibility of backups your hosting company is doing. Minimum has to be full off-server backup once per day but even that for busy transactional sites can lead to massive data loss. As an example, we do hourly Continuous Data Protection backups !
    1 point
  26. Please follow along with me. Let's look at /classes/gui.class.php, the private function _displayPopularProducts(). At the bottom of the function, near line 1275, a statement assigns the $content from fetching and rendering a template to $POPULAR_PRODUCTS. So we know the code gets executed down to that point. Just above that statement is where all of the products from the query (in the $vars variable) is assigned to $POPULAR. But $POPULAR isn't in the diagnostics popup. That's crazy. If 'POPULAR_PRODUCTS' got assigned something, then 'POPULAR' must have been assigned something, even if it is null or false. Just above that is a hook. And above that, inside the foreach() loop, is a test that skips the product being examined if it does not have an associated category that has its status enabled. What is still disconcerting to me is that the query isn't showing in the grey debug section. It really should be there, because, with the test near line 1240, if there are no $products from the query, none of what we just discussed gets executed. Assuming the query is listed in the grey debug section, but wasn't correctly found, the only thing that could cause problems is: the test for enabled categories assigned to each product being looked at, or there being a hook that empties $vars. In the grey debug section, near the bottom, are there any messages that indicate problems with any of the queries?
    1 point
  27. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable debugging and enter your IP address in the adjacent field (www.showmyip.com). Then, on the Layout tab, verify there is a value greater than '1' for Number of popular products to display. Also note the Source data for popular products. Then request your homepage. At the bottom of the page will be a grey section with a lot of some diagnostic info. If the source is by Product Views, then have the browser find ORDER BY popularity DESC. If by Sales, have the browser find ORDER BY `quantity` DESC. If neither query is present, then we need to look elsewhere.
    1 point
  28. In admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc. section, "Order status for admin email notifications" can be set to Pending.
    1 point
  29. We've found what we needed! Thanks for the assistance
    1 point
  30. Yeah, that does the trick, thanks, as always bsmither you are a font of problem solving. On using it more, it's doing some weird things, but it's workable, for some reason it keeps hard forcing a linebreak like a <br> but not visable anywhere. I looked for solutions on ckeditor forums, but they seem to really break it hard and it just spams every blank space with the <i class
    1 point
  31. Check this out... https://support.cubecart.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/223/45/how-do-i-debug-a-blank-screen-error
    1 point
  32. This message indicates that CubeCart (actually, PHP) lost communication with the database very soon after having established a channel. That could be because the database server is overloaded, or there are other sites on the same computer where your site is located that are consuming all the connections - 'max_connections_per_ip` was exceeded. Your hosting provider will be able to find the exact cause of why PHP could no longer communicate with the database.
    1 point
  33. OK, I have taken the above two points out of your OP. 1) You can combine WordPress with CubeCart but they are not integrated as such. You can develop a WP theme to match your CubeCart skin so tha it looks like an integrated site. We have developed custom WP themes based on existing or custom built CubeCart skins and to use them, you have a choice of : (a) CubeCart at the top level with WP installed in a sub-directory (say for example /blog) and a link to that from the CubeCart menu. This is most often used where you want to have an active blog or other manageable content. (b) WP at the top level with CubeCart in a sub-directory such as /shop and this is less commonly used but useful if the main purpose of the site is to provide a content driven site that also sells things 2) That could be accomplished using CubeCart and simply needs a custom skin. The concept of having everything full width is a good one and much more modern and is something we started to do with our Retail Therapy skin (which currently just has a full width slideshow section) and the next release will have be full width by default with the current layout as an "old style" sub-theme. However, most of that example site could be done now with that skin plus two of our plugins (Multiple Homepage Documents and Manage Site Document Location) Ian
    1 point
  34. I am not finding any significant differences that would explain the behavior. Still looking.
    1 point
  35. http://semperfiwebservices.com/site-testimonials-cc6-plugin.html
    1 point
  36. I used this in 6.0.10 for a while, it may still work in later versions. in classes/cubecart.class.php change $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('LATEST_PRODUCTS', $products); To: $lp_rand_keys = array_rand($products, 6); // Make sure there are 3 or more 'featured' products foreach ($lp_rand_keys as $rand_key) $lp_rand_products[$rand_key] = $products[$rand_key]; $products = $lp_rand_products; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('LATEST_PRODUCTS', $products); This will limit the amount of 'latest products' to 6 (so change if you require more), and then with each page refresh, those 6 products will change randomly. Not my work by the way, so I can't take any credit.
    1 point
  37. It does create a new one for you, as long as the new directory has the correct permissions. If you have made any modifications to your .htaccess file you should take a backup of it first so you can re-apply those changes to the newly generated file.
    1 point
  38. I wonder if you could make the Print Order Form do what you want in some way? As far as I can tell all the code controlling when an email is sent is in cubecart.class.php. You can tell a lot about the flow of code by enabling Firebug in FireFox. Right click to Inspect element and watch the Net waterfall. Update!! UGH! There's also code in order.class.php involved in when the email is sent.
    1 point
  39. If it's not too late, then I have exactly this feature. Daren at Semperfi wrote me a custom mod. Take a look at the 10mm option. https://www.beal.org.uk/electrical-products/copper-tube-terminals/copper-tube-terminals-6mm²-cable-size.html In the product options section (admin side) is an additional checkbox, to dictate if the product option is in stock or not. It's not quite working correctly on my 6.1.5 site, but I believe this to be a conflict with another mod. Daren is looking in to this.
    1 point
  40. We have a plugin that provides all this and more. It isn't on the marketplace yet but available from our website Ian
    1 point
  41. You would need a Code Snippet. The standard search mechanism must have keywords to search on. Then, from the Advanced Search page, you can filter against chosen Manufacturers. You may think that one can search for wild-card anything, and name the manufacturer in the URL, but it doesn't work that way - unfortunately. Here is a Code Snippet you can try: In admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, click Add Snippet. Enabled: checked Unique ID: search_specific@cubecart -- max 32 chars Execution Order: 1 Description: Allows to search for specific properties Trigger: class.catalogue.pre_search Version: 1.0 Author: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/52317-turn-manufacturer-field-into-a-tag/ PHP Code: <?php /* Specify in the array the names of the columns containing specific value properties of the inventory. * That is, the property that uniquely identifies an item. * Use the actual names of the columns holding these properties. */ $specific_properties = array( 'found' => "Publisher", // Found "what" on the Search Results page 'table' => "CubeCart_manufacturers", 'alias' => "CCM", 'on' => array('master' => "I.manufacturer", 'slave' => "id"), 'column' => array("name"), ); foreach($specific_properties['column'] as $property) { if(isset($search_data[$specific_properties['alias']][$property]) && !empty($search_data[$specific_properties['alias']][$property])) { $search_mode = ($search_mode == 'RLIKE' || $search_mode == 'LIKE') ? $search_mode : 'RLIKE'; // Can't use fulltext - not using fulltext index $_REQUEST['search']['keywords'] = $specific_properties['found'].":".$search_data[$specific_properties['alias']][$property]; // Needed to show on Search Results page $joins[] = sprintf( '%1$s'.$specific_properties['table']." AS ".$specific_properties['alias'] .' ON '.$specific_properties['on']['master'].' = '.$specific_properties['alias'].'.'.$specific_properties['on']['slave'] ,$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix') ); $where[] = $specific_properties['alias'].".".$property." LIKE ".$GLOBALS['db']->sqlSafe("%".$search_data[$specific_properties['alias']][$property]."%",true); // example, searching for "%Riley%" anywhere in the name; } } Now, this gives you a specific URL you can use to initiate a search. That is to say, if you put this URL as a link on a page, CubeCart will perform a search for what you want: http://www.mystore.com/search.html?search%5BCCM%5D%5Bname%5D=Riley&_a=category where Riley is part of the Manufacturer's name.
    1 point
  42. Interesting idea - and I don't remember any similar thread on here, either. Sorry I can't help, but I'm forever right there with your sig, except I'm on current version.
    1 point
  43. Zaromnia In public_html, change the admin.whateveritis.php to what you want it to be. Then using ftp open up includes/global.inc.php and change the corresponding line for $glob['adminFile'] = 'your-new-filename.php'; No need to change the admin folder name. As for the GitHub post, suggested by Al, i'd suggest that you could possibly leave this alone for now. I'd imagine that this will be written in to the next update, so might not be an issue moving forward.
    1 point
  44. Hi, Wish to make the sales report with the product details, which sql should I edit on? "product_code" is a new attributes that I add in, since it is not inside the table "CubeCart_order_summary". Actually, it is from table "CubeCart_order_inventory". And, How to sum the product_code? As the product code is in integer, digit form. The below code is from admin_LsSCSi/sources/reports.index.inc.php $fields = array( 'title', 'cart_order_id', 'product_code', 'order_date', 'status', 'subtotal', 'discount', 'shipping', 'total_tax', 'total', 'customer_id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'company_name', 'line1', 'line2', 'town', 'state', 'country', 'postcode', 'title_d', 'first_name_d', 'last_name_d', 'company_name_d', 'line1_d', 'line2_d', 'town_d', 'state_d', 'country_d', 'postcode_d', 'phone', 'email', 'gateway' ); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.reports.order.pre') as $hook) include $hook; $orders = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_order_summary', $fields, $where); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.reports.order.post') as $hook) include $hook; if ($orders) { ## If we are wanting an external report start new External class if (isset($_POST['external_report']) && is_array($_POST['external_report'])) { $module_name = array_keys($_POST['external_report']); $external_class_path = 'modules/external/'.$module_name[0].'/external.class.php'; if (file_exists($external_class_path)) { include $external_class_path; $external_report = new External($GLOBALS['config']->get($module_name[0])); } } ## Tally up totals $tally = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($orders as $order_summary) { $order_summary['status'] = $lang['order_state']['name_'.(int)$order_summary['status']]; foreach ($order_summary as $field => $value) { if (in_array($field, array('subtotal', 'discount', 'shipping', 'total_tax', 'total'))) { if (!isset($tally[$field])) $tally[$field] = 0; $tally[$field] += $value; } } $order_summary['country'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['country'])) ? getCountryFormat($order_summary['country']) : $order_summary['country']; $order_summary['state'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['state'])) ? getStateFormat($order_summary['state']) : $order_summary['state']; $order_summary['country_d'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['country_d'])) ? getCountryFormat($order_summary['country_d']) : $order_summary['country_d']; $order_summary['state_d'] = (is_numeric($order_summary['state_d'])) ? getStateFormat($order_summary['state_d']) : $order_summary['state_d']; $order_summary['date'] = formatTime($order_summary['order_date'],false,true); ## Run line of external report data if (isset($external_report) && is_object($external_report)) $external_report->report_order_data($order_summary); unset($order_summary['order_date'], $values); foreach ($order_summary as $field => $value) { if ($i == 0) $headers[] = $field; $values[] = (is_numeric($value) || !strpos($value, ',')) ? $value : sprintf('"%s"', addslashes($value)); } if ($i == 0 && $add_headers) $data[] = implode(',', $headers); $data[] = implode(',', $values); $smarty_data['report_date'][] = $order_summary; $i++; } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('REPORT_DATE', $smarty_data['report_date']); if (isset($_POST['download']) || (isset($_POST['external_report']) && is_array($_POST['external_report']))) { $GLOBALS['debug']->supress(true); if (isset($_POST['download'])) { $file_content = implode("\r\n", $data); $file_name = $lang['reports']['sales_data'].' '.$download_range; } else { $file_content = $external_report->_report_data; $file_name = ucfirst($module_name[0]).' '.$lang['reports']['data'].' '.$download_range; } deliverFile(false, false, $file_content, $file_name.'.csv'); exit; } ## Show table footer $tally['orders'] = count($orders); foreach ($tally as $key => $value) { $tallyformatted[$key] = ($key=='orders') ? $value : sprintf('%.2F', $value); } $smarty_data['tally'] = $tallyformatted; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DOWNLOAD', true); ## Get external module export code $where = array('module' => 'external', 'status' => '1'); ## Start classes for external reports if (($module = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_modules', 'folder', $where)) !== false) { foreach ($module as $module_data) { if(file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/modules/external/'.$module_data['folder'])) { $module_data['description'] = ucfirst(str_replace('_',' ',$module_data['folder'])); $smarty_data['export'][] = $module_data; } } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('EXPORT', $smarty_data['export']); } } else { if (isset($_POST['download'])) httpredir(currentPage()); $smarty_data['tally'] = array('orders' => 0); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('TALLY', $smarty_data['tally']); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('POST', $report_filter); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.reports.order.filter') as $hook) include $hook; Thanks~
    1 point
  45. i know it can be set up and configured to be complex, but it takes a lot of work when compared to a module that simply checks rates from the carrier
    1 point
  46. Please do not use any quantity designations in CubeCart. That is, do not add lb to 20lb. Do not add $ to $49.99. Do not add cm to 100cm (length not really used in CubeCart). Do not add % to 50%. Use only digits (and the optional period for the decimal point, if appropriate). The setting you make in Store Settings is carried over everywhere else (specifically weight and currency symbols).
    1 point
  47. When you download the Authorize.net package from the MarketPlace, it will be a ZIP file. Inside it will be a folder named 'Authorize'. Extract 'Authorize' to a convenient place on your computer. Rename 'Authorize' to 'Payeezy'. Make the edits. Then, FTP the 'Payeezy' folder to your site into the /modules/gateway/ folder. There is another edit in gateway.class.php: From: $transData['gateway'] = 'Authorize.net ('.strtoupper($this->_module['mode']).')'; To: $transData['gateway'] = 'Payeezy'; Be sure to re-read my previous posts as there have been some edits made to them.
    1 point
  48. In a previous life, I sent emailed newsletters to a certain constituency. They were sent from an in-house server instead of a third-party (constant contact, mailchimp, etc). I had to engage a throttle for AOL that was ridiculously tight. With AOL, it is not so much a domain getting blacklisted*, as it is exceeding their rate threshold from the same IP. (AOL people have use of a "This is JUNK/SPAM" button. They tend to use that button instead of appropriately moving it to their trash folder - that is, delete. Thus, the IP and/or domain gets blacklisted - for 24 hours - because of AOL user error.)
    1 point
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